55 Northeastern Boulevard, Nashua, NH 03062
Gate City Casino offers some of the most exciting poker tournaments in New England!
Featuring action-packed multi-flight Texas Hold’em poker tournaments for Nashua, NH with buy-ins of all limits. Future tournaments include partnership with the Great American Poker Tournaments (GAPT) in Daytona Beach and more!
Resolve to bluff more in 2025 with Gate City Casino’s Monday poker tournaments.
Mondays | Tournaments start at 5pm
Registration | Begins at 4pm, ends at 6:40pm.
Buy-In: $120 ($105 + $15 dealer add-on)
Starting Stack: 20,000 (10K + 10K for dealer add-on)
Levels: 25-minute
No pre-registration. Reentry is allowed until registration closes at 6:40pm. Format and structure are subject to change at manager’s discretion.
Join us at Gate City Casino for our Milestone Qualifiers this April for the chance to earn your seat at the $2,270 High Roller II Tournament!
Sunday, April 6, 13, 20 | 10am Tournament Start
Day-Of Registration | Opens 9am
Save the Date: $2,270 Gate City High Roller Tournament | Saturday, April 26 – Sunday, April 27
Acquire 300,000 chips during any qualifier and receive $2,320 in cash towards your High Roller II Tournament buy-in!
Buy-in: $310 ($290 + $20 Dealer Add-On)
Starting Units: 30K (15K + 15K with Dealer Add-On)
30-minute Levels
Registration must be completed in person. No pre-registration for qualifier rounds. Reentry allowed until registration closes (end of first break of 12:40pm). 90 seats guaranteed before alternates. Rules & restrictions may apply.
April 26 – 27 | 10am start
Pre-registration opens Sunday, April 6
Buy-In: $2,270 ($2,000 + $270 Includes $20 Dealer Add-On)
Starting Stack: 60K (30K + 30K with Dealer add-on)
45-Minute Levels
Milestone qualifiers:
Registration must be completed in person and will remain open through the end of the second break (12:50pm). No re-entry permitted. Ten-minute breaks, thirty-minute breaks after levels 9 and 21. All pre-registered stacks enter play at the end of level 1. Day 1 will play through the end of level 15, at Tournament Director’s discretion. Day 2 play will resume at 10am Sunday, April 27 (if necessary). All winnings based on expected number of participants.